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Dr. Scott Stoll - Ask A Doctor

This event was on Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

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When I started to shift to WFPB diet and gave up alcohol completely, I noticed that my immune system became weaker (much more colds per year, gynaecological problems etc.) even though I was never eating so healthy as I do now. What could be the problem?

— Loreta Bražionytė


It's a great question and a quick comment about alcohol, you know, the the alcohol cessation or abstinence is really beneficial and organizations like the World Health Organization now are saying that there's no safe level alcohol consumption, you know two beverages a week for a woman increases the risk of breast cancer. We know that every time we consume alcohol causes damage to the cells in our body kills brain cells kills liver cells. So it's not a health substance red wine does have Resveratrol and federal chemicals that may be helpful. However, the the medium or the vehicle. The alcohol is harmful. That's why we use alcohol to wipe down counters because it kills bacteria does the same thing to our gut and ourselves. So if we want Resveratrol if we want to do more phytochemicals eat red grapes, that's the best source. So that was the right choice on on alcohol you know a couple of thoughts and I you know, take a little more in-depth questioning to try and understand you know why you're struggling but Just a few thoughts stress suppresses the immune system Alters the microbiome. So, you know, I know people and I've been in situations myself where I've been under stress not sleeping. Well and I come down with a cold even though I'm eating a really good diet. So stress can suppress your immune system safe deprivation is a stress on the body and can suppress your immune system. You know, if you've not taken time to really heal your gut through, you know fermented foods raw onions some greens some daily mushrooms actually help to feed the microbiome beans and lentils and a probiotic. I would spend a good 12 to 18 months really focusing on rebuilding your microbiome. It's likely that you know, the alcohol killed off, you know, many of the good bacteria in your microbiome. And you know the history of Western diet. So rebuilding the gut certainly improves the immune system. The research shows that the microbiome is responsible for 75% of the health of our immune system. So that's one of the first places that I look other things that you know, I look at or vitamin D taking some additional iodine support the thyroid making sure you get some regular sunshine and activity. Those could also be helpful, and then also in the winter. I like to just hyper nourish my body. So I'll just add more greens during the winter as well. So hopefully it gives you a little bit of guidance and a few places to start tinkering and looking to try and rebuild your immune system. But likely I would really focus on that microbiome.
Dr. Scott Stoll

Dr. Scott Stoll

Chief Medical Director