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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Ken Rubin - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, August 08, 2023 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Ken Rubin in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.



About making your own (low fat) coconut milk from homemade oat milk plus coconut extract. On Amazon there are coconut essences and coconut extracts. Are these the same? And how much to use per 100ml milk?

— Lynda Benham


So a hundred milliliters of milk is a pretty small quantity. Just a few, uh, uh, liquid ounces for those who don't use, uh, milliliters. Um, uh, so, you know, a cup of milk, let's call it would be probably about double that volume. Um, my suggestion would be, you know, really following the manufacturer's instructions in terms of potency. Um, I've never worked with a coconut essence. I've worked with coconut extracts, whether they're alcohol based or glycerin based. Um, they're typically really, really strong. So you'd measure them in droppers, not in any other sort of, uh, you know, milliliters or things like that. So my, my suggestion would be, you know, buy a good coconut extract from just an otherwise reputable brand that is making quality extracts. Um, you know, look for something that has a lot of reviews, even something that if you were to go say to like a natural foods market or something like that, you might find some, some options. But from a flavor perspective, my recommendation would really be to, you know, start with your a hundred milliliters, uh, or whatever product you want to actually use it in. Um, and then just start with like one or two drops stirred in. Uh, give it a sniff. See what the kind of olfactory and the, what the smell feels like for you. If it is giving off that coconuty aroma, and then give it a taste and see if that aroma carries through that, that flavor sensory, uh, stimulation. Um, if you feel like, wow, that did it perfect, you know that it's the one or two drops, that's probably gonna be your right ratio. If you need to add a few more, I would just go with that and see kinda where your coconutty flavor threshold is, right? So part of this is what are you using it in? How much should the coconut come through? How prevalent do you want that coconut, et cetera, et cetera. It's a, it's a pretty pronounced flavor once you kind of get into it. So I would say, you know, start with less. It's always easy to add more. Can't take it out once you put it in. But I would let your mouth help you decide and your, you know, your senses help you decide what you think the appropriate amount is. But it's probably measured in, in drops in this scenario with your a hundred milliliters. Uh, great question though. Uh, and I did go back and watch that question with Patrick, uh, just from the previous event just to get a sense of what, uh, that project was with Char. So I appreciate that approach to still maintain that flavor without the heavy, um, saturated fat load that the coconut milk would otherwise contain.
Ken Rubin

Ken Rubin

Chief Operating Officer