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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Ken Rubin - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Ken Rubin in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.



What is the best type of cutting board?

— Ann Smith


You know really in kitchens there are you know, multiple styles of cutting boards that are good to use. I personally am a fan of using wood cutting boards that I can. wash and manage and maintain and clean on my own if it's left to others or in a food service setting would might not be the best solution for people because you does require a certain amount of Basic care nothing too extreme, but basic care just to make sure that they're washed well and dried. Well, otherwise, I would say Polly, you know cutting boards those plastic or composite type cutting boards are going to be your best bet. They're inexpensive. I have multiple of them at home. You want to make sure that you know, they're just washed well and also dried well because they can also Harbor bacteria and stuff but the good thing is that you know after a certain point. You can either sand them down and just kind of make them perfectly flat again over time. They'll create a little bit of a bow or kind of a divot in the Middle where using a lot or just you know, for the 15 dollars just buy a new a new cutting board again something that should last year's before having to do that but something that might make sense for you. I'm a big fan of having multiple cutting boards to use. I can't tell you how many times I've worked with students who are trying to do work on a little tiny cutting board and then they have to stop what they're doing and wash their cutting board just to move on and do something else. You should really have say it a minimum to maybe three cutting boards that you can use in that way. You don't have to stop what you're doing. And wash and cutting board every time you want to move from a different task to a different task.
Ken Rubin

Ken Rubin

Chief Operating Officer